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Animal Sheltering Laws and Regulations

Pet Shops, Dog Pounds and Animal Shelters: Public Act 287 of 1969, as amended

Regulation 151 (Pet Shops, Dog Pounds and Animal Shelters)

The Animal Industry Act: Public Act 466 of 1988, as amended

Public Act 33 of 2001

Large Carnivore Act: Public Act 274 of 2000

Wolf-Dog Cross Act: Public Act 246 of 2000

Bodies of Dead Animals: Public Act 239 of 1982

Regulations for Public Act 239 of 1982

Use of Dogs and Cats for Research: Public Act 224 of 1969

Regulation 150: Use of Dogs and Cats for Research

Dog Law: Public Act 339 of 1919
AN ACT relating to dogs and the protection of live stock and poultry from damage by dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs; regulating the keeping of dogs, and authorizing their destruction in certain cases; providing for the determination and payment of damages done by dogs to live stock and poultry; imposing powers and duties on certain state, county, city and township officers and employes, and to repeal Act No. 347 of the Public Acts of 1917, and providing penalties for the violation of this act.

Liability of Owner for Dog Bite: Public Act 73 of 1939

Liability of Owner for Dog Bite: This law makes it illegal for dog and wolf hybrid owners to leave the scene of a bite caused by their canine. According to this legislation, dog owners must remain on the scene to exchange information, and wait for emergency services to arrive. Should owners fail to wait at the scene, they will face a misdemeanor charge, punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Regulation 129: Governing Dog Kennels

Registration and Identification of Dogs

Michigan Penal Code (Chapter IX animals): Public Act 328 of 1931 (as amended)

750.49 Animal; definition; fighting, baiting, or shooting; prohibited conduct; violation as
felony; costs; dog trained or used for fighting or offspring of dog trained or used for
fighting; prohibited conduct; exceptions; confiscation of dog; award of dog to animal
welfare agency; euthanasia; expenses; forfeiture of animals, equipment, devices, and
money; disposition of money seized; additional exceptions.

Animals Running at Large: Public Act 328 of 1976

Dangerous Animals: Public Act 426 of 1988:

The Turtle Act: Public Act 424 of 1988:

The Ferret Act: Public Act 358 of 1994 :

Sale of Baby Chicks, Rabbits, Ducklings, or Other Fowl or Game: Public Act 163 of 1945 :

Pseudorabies and Swine Brucelosis Control and Eradication Act: Public Act 239 of 1992:

Rules of the Michigan Board of Pharmacy
Euthanasia Training Rules: R 338.3138 and R 338.3139.

Public Health Code, Act 368 of 1978, as ammended, Section 7333
Requirements for administering euthanasia and tranquilizers

Leader Dogs for Blind Persons, Act 207 of 1970

Michigan Penal Code (excerpt), Act 328 of 1931

750.502c Person with disabilities or trainer led by guide, leader, hearing, or service dog;
refusing entry to or use of public or private accommodations as misdemeanor; conditions;
identification card; list; definitions.

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