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Directory of Michigan Animal Welfare Agencies

Michigan Shelter and Rescue Directory 
This list is for informational purposes only. The Michigan Partnership for Animal Welfare does not inspect, endorse or oversea any of the facilities listed.

Animal Rights Groups

Wildlife Rehab Groups

Michigan Rescue Transport Express (MRTX)
MRTX is a resource for animal rescue transporters across the state of Michigan including the Upper Peninsula, to facilitate the movement of rescue animals from shelter to rescue, rescue to foster, and foster to forever homes. You will need to sign up for a free Yahoo! Account before requesting to join the list. This list is owned and managed by Connie Kramer of RetroDoggy Rescue (formerly PetRealtorz) and has been operating since June of 2004. It has more than 140 members. Membership is subject to approval and references are required. http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/MRTX/

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© 2012 Michigan Partnership for Animal Welfare