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Welcome to the

Wayne County Coalition for Animals Homepage!  

Wayne County Needs a Coalition for Animals.

The number of unwanted animals in need of care in the Detroit area is staggering. In 2006, over 50,000 homeless animals were surrendered to registered animal shelters in Wayne County.The Wayne County Coalition for Animals was developed to unite groups already operating in Wayne County in order to improve the services we offer to the thousands of homeless animals that come through our doors each year.

Wayne County Coalition Founding Partners

Detroit Animal Control and Care

Friends for the Dearborn Animal Shelter

Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society

Hamtramck Cat Assistance Team

The Michigan Humane Society

For Animal Welfare Professionals

WCCA is developing a database of organizations providing direct service to animals in Wayne County. This database will be used as a resource for other animal welfare agencies and for members of the public. If your organization provides direct service to animals in Wayne County please provide us with your information here

Do you have an animal related problem, but don't know where to look for help? Wayne County Coalition for Animals can help you find the services you need right here in Wayne County. See the links below to find information on animal welfare services in Wayne County including:

Can't find what your looking for? Email us at mail@mpaw.org and we will be happy to assist you in finding an animal welfare organization near you.

Why are you on MPAW's website?

We are temporarily located on the MPAW site while we get our coalition off the ground. MPAW supports and encourages local coalitions, such as ours, to work on local animal welfare problems.


If you would like more information on the Wayne County Coalition for Animals please contact us at mail@mpaw.org

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© 2012 Michigan Partnership for Animal Welfare